Have Years of Sun-Damage Left You Looking Older Than You Actually Are?
Are you unhappy with the way the hands of time have left your skin? Would you like to reverse visible signs of aging with a simple in-office visit? If so, you might want to consider non-surgical IPL treatments at Derrow Dermatology.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a non-invasive treatment that’s proven to be safe and effective for treating a range of skin conditions. The highly sought-after procedure has helped thousands of men and women reduce the appearance of visible signs of aging and sun-damage. Derrow Dermatology provides personalized IPL treatments to address your individual concerns.

How Does Intense Pulsed Light Work?
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) uses a specific wavelength of light to target certain skin discolorations like dark spots and broken capillaries. Because the light energy from IPL photorejuvenation converts into heat energy after penetrating the skin, it also stimulates the body’s natural production of collagen, which is what keeps our skin firm and elastic.
Am I a Candidate for IPL?
Intense Pulsed Light therapy may be right for you if you’re bothered by recent changes in your skin’s texture or tone. IPL is a powerful, yet gentle technology that can reverse individual concerns while also helping to improve overall complexion. Though IPL can be used on any area of the body, it’s commonly used on the face, neck, chest, hands, and arms.
Intense Pulsed Light is beneficial for addressing a variety of aesthetic concerns including:
- Sun Spots
- Hyperpigmentation
- Spider Veins
- Textural Problems
- Enlarged Pores
- Fine Lines & Wrinkles
- Rosacea
IPL treatments use thermal energy to target and break up pigmentation within the skin. Therefore, patients with darker or tanned skin may not be suitable for the procedure. Dr. Witt can help determine your candidacy for the procedure at the time of your initial consultation.

How Long Does a Typical Treatment Take?
IPL treatments are typically quick and easy. Depending on what areas you’re having treated, it will likely take 20-30 minutes. A topical numbing cream can be applied prior to treatment to keep you comfortable throughout. Patients should expect to be in office for about 1-hour from start to finish.
What Results Will I See?*
Skin will appear smoother and feel tighter almost immediately following treatment. Pigmentation issues typically darken 3-5 days post-treatment before they begin to fade. IPL treatments help trigger your body’s natural self-healing process allowing for long-term collagen production. The procedure is non-invasive and typically takes a series of sessions to achieve an optimal outcome. Maintenance treatments can be done on a semi-annual basis or as needed to prolong the effects of your initial series.
Is There Any Downtime?
Typically, there is no downtime needed after an IPL treatment. Side effects are mild with non-invasive treatments. However, you may experience some stinging, swelling, or redness for a day or so afterward. Makeup can be applied immediately for those who would like to mask post-treatment redness.