Contact Dermatitis

Established in 2008, Derrow Dermatology is committed to providing the highest standard of dermatological care in a convenient, state-of-the-art setting to patients of all ages.

Do You Have Blotches of Skin That Are Red, Itchy, or Inflamed?

What Is Contact Dermatitis?

Contact dermatitis is a common condition that’s caused by either direct contact with an irritating substance or by an allergic reaction. The rash can appear throughout the face or body and varies in size. Contact dermatitis is not contagious or life-threatening, but many patients are bothered by the red, itchy, or sometimes painful condition.

Diagnosing contact dermatitis is done through an in-person skin exam at your dermatologist’s office. Dr. Witt will occasionally use a patch test to identify the cause of your unwanted rash.

What Treatment Options Are Available?

Once diagnosed, contact dermatitis is easily treatable. The most common treatments include:

  • Topical Steroid Creams or Ointments
  • Oral Prednisone
  • Antihistamines

Contact dermatitis typically begins to subside within days after starting appropriate treatment. Dr. Witt will also provide you with general skin care and lifestyle suggestions for preventative care.

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