Blistering Diseases

Established in 2008, Derrow Dermatology is committed to providing the highest standard of dermatological care in a convenient, state-of-the-art setting to patients of all ages.

Blistering diseases are a widespread category with many potential causes, and not all skin conditions that cause blistering are diseases. If you or a member of your family is suffering from skin blisters, it’s a smart idea to have a dermatologist examine them and give a proper diagnosis, because some blistering diseases and conditions can be serious health risks.

Herpes – There are several forms of herpes, each caused by a different virus. The herpes zoster virus causes both chickenpox and shingles. Many people are familiar with the effects of the HSV-2 virus, which causes genital herpes, and HSV-1 virus, which causes cold sores, though fewer people know that the HSV-1 virus also causes a skin blistering disease called herpes gladatorum, or mat herpes, which results in mats of lesions or blisters that can be located anywhere on the face or body.

Pemphigoid –Pemphigoid diseases present on various parts of the body, and different forms offer doctors different clues, but the entire class of pemphigoid skin diseases is caused by auto-immune reactions and can become serious if not treated.

Dyshidrosis – People who have dyshidrosis may first notice tiny blisters on the sides of their fingers, on their palms, or on the soles of their feet. The blisters are itchy and painful and last for weeks. They also tend to recur before a patient’s skin has fully healed, so getting treatment promptly will save a lot of misery in the future!

Other Blistering Conditions

These blistering conditions are caused by infection, rather than a disease, but if they’re left untreated, they can cause serious health problems. These conditions are sometimes diagnosed with a culture of the fluid drained from the blisters. Timely, accurate diagnosis and treatment are important!

Impetigo is caused by staph or strep infection in the skin, which produces yellow, crusty blisters and sores. The lesions or blisters are itchy, and impetigo is contagious, so getting it under control quickly is key.

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is a skin infection that causes blisters, boils, or abscesses, and it doesn’t respond to treatment with normal antibiotics. Sometimes, MRSA is treated by lancing and draining the blisters or boils, and with a more aggressive type of antibiotic.

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